Mikrotik 2 wan failover
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How to failover 2 wan links with mikrotik
Main WAN link – Prov1
Backup (reserve) WAN link – Prov2
What we would like to:
Two WAN links working at the same time – mikrotik itself and possible services are available for them on the two WAN links independently.
Users access the Internet from the main WAN link, in the case of malfunction – with backup WAN link.
The theoretical basis:
Need to adjust the labeling of an incoming connection to track – if the request came fromProv1 then send a response via Prov1.
Two default route with a different “weight” (Distance). Script that switch distance depending on the state of the channel.
Do not mess with the routing tables
What to do (option settings from WinBox / Web interface):
Two default route (Dst. Address with Comment “Prov1” and “Prov2” respectively (needed for the script), and Distance set to: for main wan – 1, for backup wan – 2.2. IP->Firewall->Mangle
add rules for labeling connections to the top of other rules:General Chain: prerouting Dst. Address: [ip Prov1] In. Interface: [Prov1 interface] Action Action: mark_connection New Connection Mark: Prov1_c Passthrough: yes
General Chain: prerouting Dst. Address: [ip Prov2] In. Interface: [Prov2 interface] Action Action: mark_connection New Connection Mark: Prov2_c Passthrough: yesFor any cases duplicate these rules in chain = input
3. IP->Routes
Add two default route, as well as in claim 1, but without the Comment, and Routing Mark Prov1 write for the primary wan and Prov2 to backup wan. Distance = 1.These routes will only work if we wrap them in appropriate traffic rule, that we should create (see paragraph 4).
4. IP->Routes->Rules
Create a rule that wraps marked connetctions to the appropriate routing table:Src. Address: [ip Prov1] Dst. Addess: Routing Mark: Prov1_r Action: lookup only in table Table: Prov1
Src. Address: [ip Prov2] Dst. Addess: Routing Mark: Prov2_r Action: lookup only in table Table: Prov2And just in case is not marked:
Src. Address: [ip Prov1] Dst. Addess: Action: lookup Table: Prov1
Src. Address: [ip Prov2] Dst. Addess: Action: lookup Table: Prov2
5. IP->Firewall->Mangle
After labeling rules prescribe rules for labeling compounds route:General Chain: prerouting Connection Mark: Prov1_c Action Action: mark routing New Routing Mark: Prov1_r Passthrough: yes
General Chain: prerouting Connection Mark: Prov2_c Action Action: mark routing New Routing Mark: Prov2_r Passthrough: yesDuplicate it for chain = output:
Chain: output
Connection Mark: Prov1_c
Action: mark routing
New Routing Mark: Prov1_r
Passthrough: yes
Chain: output
Connection Mark: Prov2_c
Action: mark routing
New Routing Mark: Prov2_r
Passthrough: yes
6. IP->Firewall->NAT
Two rules for masquerading two outgoing interfaces:General
Chain: srcnat
Out. Interface: [Prov1 interface]
Action: masquerade
Chain: srcnat
Out. Interface: [Prov2 interface]
Action: masquerade
If you want to – port forwarding rules on services DMZ, in two versions – for each provider
After these settings, we have to work – mikrotik itself and configured port forwarding must earn on two wan links independently.
If something does not work, you probably need to look carefully at the table and routing rules. Terms mangle themselves only put labels
so if something stops working when the on/off rule in mangle, then do not blame the rule itself mangle, and the rule that uses the supplied label (or lack thereof)
Do not forget to check Connection Tracking: IP-> Firewall-> Connections ->Tracking is Enables = yes
Left to do script that will toggle the main route, depending on the channel status.
One embodiment of the switching script based on the following:- There are 3 ip per link, which are monitored by ping
- Availability of the link defined by the formula:
MainIfInetOk (($PingResult1 + $PingResult2 + $PingResult3) >= (2 * $PingCount))
$PingCount = number of ping requests to the host. In other words – the channel is OK if 2/3 of requests for verification hosts passed - When an event occurs, respectively, switch the default route Distance
- Do not forget to flush it from the existing NAT table and IPSec SA (at the moment there is one stable method – off/on the interface)
Now you Mikrotik works on 2 wan links at the same time, behind a NAT services available simultaneously on both wan links, and the script switches user traffic to the backup link if primary link fail. To learn how to make balancing on mikrotik between the two wan links will be another story …
Backup script:
#Main interface name :global MainIf ether1-Prov1 #Reserve interface name :global RsrvIf ether2-Prov2 :local PingCount 3 # :local PingTarget1 # :local PingTarget2 # :local PingTarget3 # :local PingTarget1R # :local PingTarget2R # :local PingTarget3R #Check main internet connection :local MainIfInetOk false; :local PingResult1 [/ping $PingTarget1 count=$PingCount interface=$MainIf] :local PingResult2 [/ping $PingTarget2 count=$PingCount interface=$MainIf] :local PingResult3 [/ping $PingTarget3 count=$PingCount interface=$MainIf] :set MainIfInetOk (($PingResult1 + $PingResult2 + $PingResult3) >= (2 * $PingCount)) #Check reserved internet connection :local RsrvIfInetOk false; :local PingResult1 [/ping $PingTarget1R count=$PingCount interface=$RsrvIf] :local PingResult2 [/ping $PingTarget2R count=$PingCount interface=$RsrvIf] :local PingResult3 [/ping $PingTarget3R count=$PingCount interface=$RsrvIf] :set RsrvIfInetOk (($PingResult1 + $PingResult2 + $PingResult3) >= (2 * $PingCount)) :put "MainIfInetOk=$MainIfInetOk" :put "RsrvIfInetOk=$RsrvIfInetOk" if (!$MainIfInetOk) do={ /log error "Main internet connection error" } if (!$RsrvIfInetOk) do={ /log error "Reserve internet connection error" } :local MainGWDistance [/ip route get [find comment="Prov1"] distance] :local RsrvGWDistance [/ip route get [find comment="Prov2"] distance] :put "MainGWDistance=$MainGWDistance" :put "RsrvGWDistance=$RsrvGWDistance" #SetUp gateways if ($MainIfInetOk && ($MainGWDistance >= $RsrvGWDistance)) do={ /ip route set [find comment="Prov1"] distance=1 /ip route set [find comment="Prov2"] distance=2 /interface disable $RsrvIf /ip firewall connection tracking set enabled=no delay 5 /ip firewall connection tracking set enabled=yes /ip ipsec installed-sa flush sa-type=all /log warning "Switch to main internet connection" /interface enable $RsrvIf } if (!$MainIfInetOk && $RsrvIfInetOk && ($MainGWDistance <= $RsrvGWDistance)) do={ /ip route set [find comment="Prov1"] distance=2 /ip route set [find comment="Prov2"] distance=1 /interface disable $MainIf /ip firewall connection tracking set enabled=no delay 5 /ip firewall connection tracking set enabled=yes /ip ipsec installed-sa flush sa-type=all /log warning "Switch to reserve internet connection" /interface enable $MainIf }
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