domingo, 29 de outubro de 2023
terça-feira, 18 de julho de 2023
Enabling BPDU Guard
When you globally enable BPDU guard on ports that are Port Fast-enabled (the ports are in a Port Fast-operational state), spanning tree shuts down Port Fast-enabled ports that receive BPDUs.
In a valid configuration, Port Fast-enabled ports do not receive BPDUs. Receiving a BPDU on a Port Fast-enabled port signals an invalid configuration, such as the connection of an unauthorized device, and the BPDU guard feature puts the port in the error-disabled state. The BPDU guard feature provides a secure response to invalid configurations because you must manually put the port back in service. Use the BPDU guard feature in a service-provider network to prevent an access port from participating in the spanning tree.
Caution Configure Port Fast only on ports that connect to end stations; otherwise, an accidental topology loop could cause a data packet loop and disrupt switch and network operation.
You can also use the spanning-tree bpduguard enable interface configuration command to enable BPDU guard on any port without also enabling the Port Fast feature. When the port receives a BPDU, it is put in the error-disabled state.
You can enable the BPDU guard feature if your switch is running PVST or MSTP. The MSTP is available only if you have the enhanced software image installed on your switch.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to globally enable the BPDU guard feature on the switch:
Command | Purpose |
configure terminal | Enter global configuration mode. |
spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default | Globally enable BPDU guard on the switch. By default, BPDU guard is disabled. |
interface interface-id | Enter interface configuration mode, and specify the interface connected to an end station. |
spanning-tree portfast | Enable the Port Fast feature. |
end | Return to privileged EXEC mode. |
Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide g |
Command | Purpose | ||
Step 6 | show running-config | Verify your entries. | |
Step 7 | copy running-config startup-config | (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file. | |
To disable BPDU guard, use the no spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default global configuration command. | |||
You can override the setting of the no spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default global configuration command by using the spanning-tree bpduguard enable interface configuration command. | |||
Enabling BPDU Filtering | |||
When you globally enable BPDU filtering on Port Fast-enabled ports, it prevents ports that are in a Port Fast-operational state from sending or receiving BPDUs. The ports still send a few BPDUs at link-up before the switch begins to filter outbound BPDUs. You should globally enable BPDU filtering on a switch so that hosts connected to these ports do not receive BPDUs. If a BPDU is received on a Port Fast-enabled port, the port loses its Port Fast-operational status, and BPDU filtering is disabled. | |||
Caution | Configure Port Fast only on ports that connect to end stations; otherwise, an accidental topology loop could cause a data packet loop and disrupt switch and network operation. | ||
You can also use the spanning-tree bpdufilter enable interface configuration command to enable BPDU filtering on any port without also enabling the Port Fast feature. This command prevents the port from sending or receiving BPDUs. | |||
A | |||
Caution | Enabling BPDU filtering on an interface is the same as disabling spanning tree on it and can result in spanning-tree loops. | ||
You can enable the BPDU filtering feature if your switch is running PVST or MSTP. The MSTP is available only if you have the enhanced software image installed on your switch. | |||
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to globally enable the BPDU filtering feature on the switch: | |||
Command | Purpose | ||
Step 1 | configure terminal | Enter global configuration mode. | |
Step 2 | Globally enable BPDU filtering on the switch. | ||
By default, BPDU filtering is disabled. | |||
Step 3 | interface interface-id | Enter interface configuration mode, and specify the interface connected to an end station. | |
Step 4 | spanning-tree portfast | Enable the Port Fast feature. | |
Step 5 | end | Return to privileged EXEC mode. | |
Step 6 | show running-config | Verify your entries. | |
Step 7 | copy running-config startup-config | (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file. | |
To disable BPDU filtering, use the no spanning-tree portfast bpdufilter default global configuration command.
You can override the setting of the no spanning-tree portfast bpdufilter default global configuration command by using the spanning-tree bpdufilter enable interface configuration command.
Continue reading here: Enabling Root Guard
Proteção da Topologia STP em Switches Cisco
Em uma porta que não esteja conectada a outro switch não é esperado o recebimento de BPDUs, por isso o recebimento repentino de BPDUs quer dizer que nela foi conectado um switch e a topologia STP precisa reconvergir, o que pode levar a resultados inesperados. Essa situação pode ser mitigada através dos recursos: (1) Root Guard e (2) BPDU Guard. Em contrapartida é esperado o recebimento de BPDUs em uma porta conectada a outro switch e a interrupção repentina na recepção desses quadros pode levar o switch a tomar decisões incorretas que criam loops temporários, situação que pode ser mitigada através dos recursos: (3) Loop Guard e (4) UDLD.
Fonte: CCNP SWITCH 642-813 - Official Certification Guide (Cisco Press) |
1. Proteção ao Recebimento Inesperado de BPDUs
Na lógica do STP é eleito um switch raiz que fica responsável por enviar mensagens "hello" a cada 2 segundos para todos os demais switches da rede com o intuito de manter uma topologia estável e sem loops. Para que essa topologia seja eficiente é importante que o switch raíz seja previsível e configurado de maneira estratégica naquele(s) switch(es) responsável(eis) pela agregação dos demais switches de acesso, assegurando uma topologia simétrica e com menor diâmetro.
O problema é que o STP é um protocolo que opera com base na confiança e "nada" impede que um switch falso seja conectado na rede e venha a assumir o papel de raíz, já que o processo de eleição do raíz basicamente consiste em escolher aquele com o menor número de prioridade configurado na caixa (padrão 32.768) e, em caso de empate, aquele com o menor endereço físico (MAC). Como resolver esse problema? Através dos recursos abaixo...
Quando um switch com número de prioridade menor é inserido na rede, a topologia STP passa pelo processo de reconvergência assumindo esse switch como o novo raíz, algo que pode ser péssimo porque "bagunça" a organização lógica e torna parte da rede de produção indisponível durante o período de convergência.
O recurso Root Guard foi desenvolvido para controlar onde os switches raízes podem ser conectados na rede. Um switch aprende o Bridge ID do switch raíz da topologia e fica monitorando se algum outro switch anunciará um BPDU mais atrativo nas portas em que o recurso estiver ativado. Caso seja anunciado um BPDU superior em alguma porta ativada com esse recurso, o switch local não permite que esse outro switch se torne raíz e coloca a porta em modo root-inconsistent. Assim que os BPDUs param de ser recebidos, então a porta volta para o estado normal automaticamente.
O recurso root guard deve ser ativado individualmente por porta:
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree guard root
Para exibir as portas colocadas em estado root-inconsistent:
Switch# show spanning-tree inconsistentports
O recurso BPDU Guard tem relação direta com o PortFast, outro recurso comumente ativado nas portas dos switches. O STP provê o recurso PortFast para que algumas portas sejam capazes de entrar diretamente em modo forwarding assim que o link é ativo. Ao fazê-lo o PortFast provê um mecanismo rápido de acesso à rede para dispositivos terminais que jamais poderiam ocasionar um loop. O comando para ativar uma interface com PortFast é:
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast
Assim, por definição, em uma porta onde o PortFast foi ativado não se espera que seja conectado qualquer tipo de dispositivo capaz de causar loop. Caso um switch seja conectado por engano em uma porta com o PortFast ativado, então passa a existir um grande risco de ocorrência de loop na rede, o que é grave!
O recurso BPDU Guard foi desenvolvido para impedir o recebimento de qualquer BPDU nas portas em que foi ativado, fazendo com que essa porta seja desativada e colocada em modo errdisable. Uma porta em estado errdisable deve ser reativada manualmente pelo administrador ou será reativada automaticamente apenas depois do timeout. Esse recurso pode ser ativado de maneira global em todas as portas ou individualmente por porta.
Para ativá-lo de maneira global o comando é:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree portfast bpduguard enable
Para ativá-lo individualmente na interface o comando é:
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree bpduguard enable
2. Proteção à Interrupção Repentina de BPDUs
Quando temos uma topologia STP estável, periodicamente devem existir BPDUs enviadas pelo switch raíz e propagadas por todos os demais switches. O que ocorre quando uma porta de switch deixa de receber BPDUs repentinamente? A princípio pode ser que o switch conectado na outra ponta daquela porta tenha sido removido e então a topologia STP tem que passar pelo processo de reconvergência até que a porta seja liberada para encaminhar frames (forwarding). Essa seria a situação normal, mas a interrupção repentina de BPDUs também pode significar um erro no link entre os switches e é possível que ocorram loops. Os recursos explicados abaixo são úteis nesse caso...
Se um switch possui um uplink para o switch raíz em que sua porta esteja bloqueada, isso quer dizer que há outro caminho redundante ativo e que a porta bloqueada continua recebendo as mensagens BPDU normalmente. Se por alguma falha a comunicação entre os switches cessar até que seja expirado o tempo limite do último BPDU válido, então o switch assume que não há mais necessidade de bloquear a porta porque não existe um dispositivo STP na outra ponta e um loop pode ocorrer.
Com o Loop Guard essa situação pode ser previnida, fazendo com que o switch fique monitorando a atividade de BPDUs nas portas não designadas (bloqueadas) onde existem uplinks para outros switches. Quando uma porta de uplink deixa de receber BPDUs, então ela é colocada em estado loop-inconsistent. A porta retorna automaticamente para seu estado anterior assim que o recebimento de BPDUs é normalizado.
Para ativá-lo de maneira global em todas as portas:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree loopguard default
Para ativá-lo de maneira individual por porta:
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree guard loop
2.2 UDLD (Unidirectional Link Detection)
Normalmente são utilizadas fibras ópticas nos uplinks entre os switches principais que agregam os demais switches de acesso da rede. Esses links bidirecionais possuem um canal físico para transmissão (TX) e outro para recepção (RX), de forma que o tráfego pode fluir em duas direções. É muito comum a ocorrência de problemas físicos em apenas uma das direções do link, o que faz com que, em alguns casos, o switch entenda que o link esteja ativo. Essa situação cria um link unidirecional, uma situação potencialmente perigosa para a lógica do STP porque os quadros BPDUs somente serão recebidos em um dos lados. Ao parar de receber BPDUs em um dos lados é possível que ocorra um loop sem que o switch entenda sua causa.
O UDLD é um recurso proprietário da Cisco para detecção de links unidirecionais. Quando esse recurso é ativado o switch envia um quadro especial em intervalos regulares (de 7s ou 15s) e espera que a outra ponta ecoe os quadros de volta pelo outro canal, o que garante que o link é bidirecional. Esse recurso pode ser configurado para operar em dois modos: (i) normal e (ii) agressivo. A diferença é que a detecção de um link unidirecional implica apenas na geração de um registro syslog no modo normal, enquanto que no modo agressivo a porta e colocada em estado errdisable. O UDLD deve ser configurado em ambas as pontas e individualmente por porta, exceto para switches com todas as portas de fibra óptica que têm a opção de ativar esse recurso globalmente.
!--- Modo Normal
Switch(config-if)# udld port
!-- Modo Agressivo
Switch(config-if)# udld aggressive
quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2023
11 Best Software Load Balancers: Free & Open Source In 2023
Comprehensive List of The Top Software Load Balancers With Features And Comparison. Read This Review to Select The Free Open Source Load Balancer Software for Windows or Linux Systems:
What Is Soft Load Balancing Software?
Load balancing software helps network administrators and data center managers address their network load management needs. This application is used to route network traffic to appropriate servers based on specific configurations.
You can use the network load balancing app to optimize network traffic. The application helps systematically route requests to the right location. This effectively prevents costly network bottlenecks and ultimately delivers the security and performance required for complex IT environments.
Selecting the best load balancing application can be a daunting task. Here, we have selected for you the best apps that offer great value for money. You will have an easier time picking the right solution based on your requirements and budget after reading this review.
Growth of Software Load Balancer Market (2018 – 2023):
[image source]
What You Will Learn: [hide]
FAQ For Load Balancer Software
Q #1) What is a load balancing application?
Answer: Load balancing software facilitates the efficient distribution of network traffic. This app receives traffic from different sources and distributes traffic across data servers. Additionally, the app serves as a reverse proxy, retrieving resources from servers and returning them to clients, appearing as if they had originated from a proxy server.
Q #2) Why is it important to apply load balancing to the cloud?
Answer: Load balancing is important to deploy for your cloud environment to ensure efficient traffic management. The application allows you to manage multiple servers that have the same configuration for the efficient distribution of network resources.
Q #3) How does a load balancer work?
Answer: Load balancers are Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs) that drive modern web applications. Load balancing is performed on a virtual machine or a standard server. It is traditionally paired with a Hardware Load Balancing Device (HLDs) to distribute traffic among servers, thereby resulting in an efficient and reliable network with maximum uptimes.
Further reading =>> What is a load balancer and how does it work
Q #4) What are the different types of load balancing apps?
Answer: Software load balancing apps can be installed onto a server or used as a load balancer as a service (LBaaS). A cloud service provider manages the LBaaS and is responsible for installing, upgrading, and configuring the application.
Q #5) What are load balancing algorithms?
Answer: Load balancing algorithms determine how traffic is sent across different servers.
There are different types of load balancing algorithms that are briefly discussed below:
- Round-robin Algorithm is the simplest method that involves moving the requests in the same order to available servers.
- Least-time Algorithm selects servers based on the least number of active requests and fastest processing speed. The algorithm may integrate weighted algorithms that give preference to servers with higher memory, power, and capacity.
- Least-connections Algorithm sends requests to servers with the least workload. The algorithm sends requests to the least busy servers.
- Hash-based Algorithm assigns a hash key to the client and server IP addresses. The algorithm ensures that the requests from users are sent to the same server that contains data from the previous sessions. This results in an efficient network resource delivery.
List Of Top Software Load Balancers
- Nginx
- Avi Vantage Software Load Balancer
- HAProxy
- Kemp LoadMaster
- ManageEngine OpManager
- Citrix ADC
- Barracuda Load Balancer ADC
- Incapsula
- Total Uptime Cloud Load Balancer
- jetNEXUS Load Balancers
Comparison Of Best Load Balancing Software
Best Load Balancing Software | Best For | Platform | Deployment Features | Free Trial | Price | Ratings ***** |
Nginx | Cloud web and mobile applications | Linux Mac OS Windows Web-based | · Automatic configuration · Load balancing · API Gateways · Gzipping – Compress responses to optimize network cycles · Content caching and routing | 30-day free trial | Starts at $2500 per year | 5/5 |
Avi Vantage Software Load Balancer | Load balancing for multi-cloud and on-premise environments | Linux, Mac OS, Windows, Web-based | · Predictive autoscaling with RESTful API · App analytics integration – Grafana, Cisco Tetration Platform, AppDynamics, and Splunk · End-to-end timing for real-time telemetries · Record and replay traffic events | 30-day free trial | Contact to get a custom quote | 5/5 |
HAProxy | Fast and reliable load balancing for TCP/HTTP-based applications on Linux platforms | Linus, Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, AIX | · Disk cloning and imaging · Creating bootable discs · NTFS to FAT 32 convertor · Incremental backup · Automatic backups and Real-time sync | N/A | Free | 5/5 |
Kemp | Basic app load balancing across cloud and container environments | Linux/Unix | · Content caching and routing · Data compression · Predfined protocols · Reverse proxy · Automatic configuration | 21-day free trial | Starts at $2500 per year | 4.7/5 | | Load balancing for cloud-based environments | Linux and Windows system | · Automated configuration · Content routing and caching · Direct Server Return (DSR) configurations · Layer 7 content switching · Reverse proxy and VLAN tagging | 30-day free trial | $2995 per year | 4.5/5 |
#1) Nginx
Best for: Load balancing, content caching, web server, API gateways, and microservices management for modern cloud web and mobile applications.
Price: Nginx is available in annual or hourly subscriptions with different price packages. The per-instance pricing is based on individual instances on a cloud marketplace. The price of a single instance starts from $2500 per year.
The enterprise pricing for the application-based enterprise units is based on VMs, cases, staging, containers, and the number of instances. You can test Nginx for free for up to 30 days to evaluate its features.
Nginx is a one-window solution for network resource management. The application allows load balancing and microservices management on cloud web and app platforms. Deploying the app can result in improved security and traffic management.
- Automatic configuration
- Load balancing
- API Gateways
- Gzipping – Compress responses to optimize network cycles
- Content caching and routing
Verdict: Nginx is popular among medium and large enterprises that want to optimize network traffic. The load balancing software can help improve the reliability, performance, and security of traffic. The tool has received positive reviews for its ease of use and customization options.
Website: Nginx
#2) Avi Vantage Software Load Balancer
Best for: Load balancing for multi-cloud and on-premise environments.
Price: Information about pricing is only available through request. A 30-day free trial is available to test product features.
[image source]
Avi Vantage offers multiple cloud application services including load balancer, elastic service mesh, and intelligent Web App Firewall (iWAF). The platform ensures a scalable, fast, and secure application experience.
- Predictive autoscaling with RESTful API
- App analytics integration – Grafana, Cisco Tetration Platform, AppDynamics, and Splunk
- End-to-end timing for real-time telemetries – resource utilization, anomalous behavior, and app performance
- Record and replay traffic events
Verdict: Avi Vantage Software Load Balancer offers enterprise-level load balancer features, including content routing and caching, redundancy checking, data compression, reverse proxy, and SSL offload. More users have praised the application for its low-cost delivery across multiple infrastructures.
Website: Avi Vantage Software Load Balancer
#3) HAProxy
Best for: Free fast and reliable load balancing for TCP/HTTP-based applications on Linux platforms.
Price: Free Load Balancer.
[image source]
HAProxy is a reliable TCP/IP load balancer for optimizing web traffic using Linux-based platforms. The application has extensive features with flexible configurations. It supports intelligent request routing based on URL.
- HTTP/1.1 compression
- Reverse proxy
- Data sampling
- Dedicated VNF load balancer
Verdict: HAProxy is suited for high traffic websites, based on Linux platforms. The software supports easy integration with existing infrastructure.
Website: HAProxy
#4) Kemp LoadMaster
Best for: Basic app load balancing across cloud and container environments.
Price: Free trial of the product is available for 21 days. The pricing of the software starts at $2500 as a one-time payment.
[image source]
Kemp is a dedicated load balancing application that can help optimize and secure network traffic. The application is optimized for web and application delivery services.
- Content caching and routing
- Data compression
- Predefined protocols
- Reverse proxy
- Automatic configuration
Verdict: Kemp LoadMaster is a great load balancer for its cost. Customers have given a generally positive rating to the app for ease of use, features, and value for money. However, users also complain that it does not have advanced features, offered by its competitors.
Website: Kemp LoadMaster
Best for: Load balancing for cloud-based environments including Microsoft Azure and Amazon web services on Linux and Windows platforms.
Price: You can try the application for 30 days. The price of the software starts at $2,995 as a one-time payment.
[image source] is an easy-to-use platform for load balancing on Windows and Linux platforms. The load balancing solution can balance different protocols with good response times.
- Automated configuration
- Content routing and caching
- Direct Server Return (DSR) configurations
- Layer 7 content switching
- Reverse proxy and VLAN tagging
Verdict: is praised by users for being a cost-effective solution with excellent customer support. The application is easy to set up and offers unlimited customization levels.
#6) ManageEngine OpManager
Best for: Infrastructure management, application performance management, and network management on Windows or Linux server.
Price: Pricing of the software starts at $1,995 for up to 50 devices. A free trial is not available but users can try an online demo of the software here.
[image source]
ManageEngine OPManager is a customizable network load manager and infrastructure management. The application has a customizable and appealing user interface that supports end-to-end network management.
- Network traffic analysis and load balancing
- Network configuration management
- Firewall log management
- Switch Port and IP address management
- Remote network monitoring
Verdict: ManageEngine OPManager allows robust network configuration and traffic management. The application is highly configurable and offers real-time and in-depth network monitoring.
Website: ManageEngine OpManager
#7) Citrix ADC
Best for: Enterprise network traffic management for web applications is ideal for enterprise and medium-sized businesses.
Price: The pricing of the Citrix ADC load balancing app starts at $2,440.
Citrix ADC is a reliable application delivery controller that is best for optimizing application deployment and data center operations. The software delivers high-quality load balancing services in cloud deployments.
- AppExpert Rate Controls
- Advanced L3 – L7 security
- Dynamic routing protocols
- App compression for HTTP
Verdict: Citrix ADC simplifies the delivery of network resources in multi-cloud infrastructure. Reviewers have praised the software for effective load balancing, reverse proxy, and secure remote access features. However, most find the user interface to be a bit cumbersome.
Website: Citrix ADC
#8) Barracuda Load Balancer ADC
Best for: Secure and scalable application delivery on the cloud and on-premise on Windows or Linux-based systems.
Price: A free trial is available to check the features of the software for 30 days. Pricing information is not available online. You need to contact the company for a customized quote.
[image source]
Barracuda Load Balancer ADC helps with optimized traffic distribution for application and cloud-based services. The software ensures high availability with the server failover features. It supports advanced features, including geo-based balancing, application optimization, and integrated security.
- Load balancing with advance monitoring and scheduling
- SSL offloading
- Content-based routing
- TCP connection pooling and caching
- Global server load balancing
Verdict: Barracuda Load Balancer ADC ensures high web and application performance, security, and scalability. The software supports optimized load balancing, along with protection against intrusions and online attacks.
Website: Barracuda Load Balancer ADC
#9) Incapsula
Best for: Optimizing and protecting on-premise and cloud data and application on Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms.
Price: Base subscription for network security starts at $500 for up to 20 Mbps and goes up to $2,000 for network speeds up to 100 Mbps. The load balancing add-on costs an additional $1,000 per month. Users can also request a free demo to test the features of the software.
Incapsula is a network security suite for websites with load balancing as an extra add-on feature. The software uses DDoS engine and firewall to prevent intrusion and attacks. The load balancer feature of the app allows the routing of traffic within cloud data centers.
- Global and local load balancing
- Automatic site failover
- Continuous site health monitor
- Application delivery rules
- Real-time traffic monitoring
Verdict: Incapsula is a simple content caching and network routing software, which is ideal for small and mid-sized companies. But as per customer reviews, the software is not suitable for enterprises with lots of online traffic.
Website: Incapsula
#10) Total Uptime Cloud Load Balancer
Best for: Network traffic analysis, load balancing, and disaster recovery for data center or cloud environments.
Price: Total Uptime Cloud Load Balancer offers four price packages. The basic package is suitable for websites that require high availability. The Plus package is best for e-commerce sites and websites that require a load-balancing feature. The Advanced feature supports firewalls and network security features.
The Performance package supports enterprise-grade network performance, security, and availability. Users can try the product for free for 21 days.
Details of the price packages are shown in the image below.
Total Uptime Cloud Load Balancer offers advanced load balancing for a cloud-based environment. The software can automate load balancing based on specific rules. It is also great for failover and disaster recovery.
- Multi-cloud, hybrid platform support
- Remote load balancing
- Layer 4-7 load balancing
- Route traffic around ISP issues, cloud failures, and network downtime
- Supports SSL, HTTP, UDP, TCP, SIP, RTSP, DNS, and other protocols
Verdict: Total Uptime Cloud Load Balancer supports customized load balancing for web-based platforms. The software helps improve the reliability and performance of cloud service providers.
Website: Total Uptime Cloud Load Balancer
#11) jetNEXUS Load Balancer
Best for: Intelligent web traffic optimization security, load balancing, and SSO pre-authentication on multiple Linux and Windows-based server platforms.
Price: The price of the entry-level package that is restricted to 4 real servers starts at £2995. The advanced package supports unlimited server support and boasts additional pre-authentication, single sign-on, and customized rule engine features. You can also download a 30-day free trial of this software to test the features.
[image source]
jetNEXUS Load Balancer supports advanced network load management features. The software supports SSL offload and reverses proxy. It supports VMware, Microsoft HyperV, XenServer, and Sparkle Base systems.
- Route request to specialized servers
- Prevent SQL injection
- Language detection
- IP restriction
- Reverse proxy
Verdict: jetNEXUS Load Balancer is targeted at enterprises with deep pockets that want advanced network traffic features. Most users have praised its easy-to-use interface and advanced network traffic management functionalities.
Website: jetNEXUS Load Balancer
We have reviewed the best load balancing applications that are suitable for different cloud and application environments. You can select a platform that best meets your network traffic management requirements.
jetNEXUS is the best one for enterprises that want advanced traffic load management features. Other load balancer apps that are suitable for medium and big enterprises include Total Uptime Cloud Load Balancer, Citrix ADC, Nginx, and Avi Vantage Software Load Balancer. If you want a freeload balancer software with basic load management features, HAProxy will be the right choice for you.
Research Process
- Time taken to research this article: 15 hours
- Total tools researched: 20
- Top tools shortlisted: 11